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    Health and Safety Law 297mmx420mm

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    Health and Safety Law

    What you need to know

    All workers have a right to work in places where risks to their health and safety are properly controlled. Health and safety is about stopping you getting hurt at work or ill
    through work. Your employer is responsible for health and safety, but you must help.

    What employers must do for you

    1. Decide what could harm you in your job and the precautions to stop it. This is part of risk assessment.
    2. In a way you can understand, explain how risk will be controlled and tell you who
    is responsible for this.
    3. Consult and work with you and your health and safety representatives in protecting everyone from harm in the workplace.
    4. Free of charge, give you the health and safety training you need to do your job.
    5. Free of charge, provide you with any equipment and protective clothing you need, and ensure it is properly looked after.
    6. Provide toilets, washing facilities and drinking water.
    7. Provide adequate first aid facilities.
    8. Report injuries, diseases and dangerous incidents at work to our Incident Contact Centre: 0845 300 9923
    9. Have insurance that cover you in case you get hurt at work or ill through work. Display a hard copy or electronic copy of the current insurance certificate where you can easily read it.
    10. Work with any other employers or contractors sharing the workplace or providing employees (such as agency workers), so that everyone's health and safety is protected.

    What you must do

    1. Follow the training you have received when using any work items your employer has given you.
    2. Take reasonable care of your own and other people's health and safety.
    3. Co-operative with your employer on health and safety.
    4. Tell someone (your employer, supervisor, or health and safety representative) if you think the work or inadequate precautions are putting anyone's health and safety at serious risk.

    If there's a problem

    1. If you are worried about health and safety in your workplace, talk to your employer, supervisor, or health and safety representative.
    2. You can also look at our website for general information about health and safety at work.
    3. If, after talking with your employer, you are still worried, phone our infoline. We can put you in touch with the local enforcing authority for health and safety and the Employment Medical Advisory Service. You don't have to give you name.

    HSE Infoline:
    0845 345 0055

    HSE webite:

    Your health and safety representative

    Other health and safety contacts:

    Fire safety

    You can get advice on fire safety from Fire and Rescue Services or your workplace fire

    Employment rights

    Find out more about your employment rights at:

    Search Words:
    Wallchart / Poster / Wall Chart / Workplace / Quarry / Shop / Hotel / Restaurant / HSE / Construction / Site /
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    Last updated: May 05, 2021

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