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    CCTV Images Are Being Monitored Sign

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    CCTV images are being monitored
    for the purpose of crime prevention
    and public safety

    This scheme is controlled by:

    For further information contact:

    Materials Available:
    Self Adhesive, 2-3mm Rigid PVC and 3mm Aluminium Composite

    These can also be printed with your details added and reverse printed on S/A for inside windows please contact us for a quote.

    Whether you like it or not, from Friday 25th May 2018 GDPR is coming and all businesses need to ensure they are compliant or they could risk some rather hefty fines.

    Many businesses will be using CCTV to monitor employees for health and safety reasons and to better secure their premises. What most businesses may be unaware of though, is that any images and footage captured by their surveillance systems is deemed as personal data under GDPR. This means that CCTV operators must be adhering to the new regulations or could risk a personal data breach and therefore a serious fine.

    Informing people of CCTV operation

    Transparency is an important aspect under GDPR and it essentially means that people who are being filmed by your CCTV cameras are entitled to know that this is taking place. As such, you need to inform them of its operations.

    The best way to do this is to provide clear, unambiguous signage in a prominent location within the CCTV area, which easily communicates that footage is being captured. If people require further information on how this ‘personal data’ is being used, there should be a number attached for them to contact.

    CCTV Checklist
    Your signs should be clear, visible and legible, with your businesses’ details and the purpose of the CCTV’s operation, along with a contact number to obtain more information.
    The size of the sign should be appropriate given its context. For instance, if the sign needs to be seen from a car, then it must be bigger.
    Staff responsible for the CCTV operation should be aware of what to do and who exactly to contact in the event of a person making an enquiry into the CCTV system’s use.
    Be careful when positioning your CCTV cameras. Although you may intend to only capture footage of your site, if not positioned correctly, it can still capture passers-by. In this case, CCTV signage needs to be prominent outside of your premises too, to cover all the right areas.
    The new GDPR rules will present challenges for all businesses, however, they should not discourage fair CCTV use. Instead, operators should take steps to uphold the regulations by making sure people being filmed are aware as to how and why surveillance is taking place.

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    Fast delivery

    All in-stock will be dispatched the same day - normally for delivery next working day providing the items being ordered are in stock and the order is placed by 1.30pm.

    Every item is fully insured against loss or damage so we can guarantee the safe arrival of your order.

    Handling and carriage charges

    Please note these charges are specific to website orders, catalogue charges differ. There may be an additional delivery charge based on non-mainland UK locations and in the instances of non-stock items being delivered (such as bulky, heavy or hazardous goods). In the unlikely event that your order incurs additional charges, you will be contacted by our Customer Service Team at the point your order is being processed.

    UK deliveries

    £8.95 delivery charge for all orders* 

    *Orders to non-mainland UK locations and non-stock items (such as bulky, heavy or hazardous goods) may be subject to delivery charges. In the unlikely event that your order incurs additional charges, you will be contacted by our Customer Service Team at the point your order is being processed.

    Free shipping on orders over £60 may apply when when offer is active. 

    Order tracking

    To track your order, you can contact our customer service department on 01455 230122.

    Last updated: May 05, 2021

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    CCTV Images Are Being Monitored Sign

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